It's frustrating when the laptop computer freezes up while surfing the Internet. It's even more frustrating when the laptop computer freezes up while surfing the Internet three times in a row while in close proximity. I'm not worried though. I got the Internet surfing that I was planning to do. So now it's just the simple task of typing out this paragraph before heading off to bed. I'm tired and I have a busy day ahead of me. Far better to be properly rested in preparation for the big day tomorrow. And though I'm not an expert in computers, I'm satisfied in knowing that I have enough knowledge regarding computers to rise above any problems that may arise. And I thank GOD everyday for the Invention of the laptop computer. It's hard to believe that I actually managed to survive the 1980's without a laptop computer. Yeah, there were personal computers for me to use in the 1980's, but nothing as advance as this and certainly no Internet capacity. How I managed to survive this long without the Internet is an accomplishment that I'm still amazed by. And as I'm lost in thought while it's late at night, here are some photos of Mia Wasikowska.